Our Environmental Commitment

As a travel company booking hundreds of flights every year, we know that we are contributing CO2 to the atmosphere. We cannot stop flying to Japan but we would like to do our best to reduce our carbon footprint. We will therefore make payments to a reputable carbon offset organization for each flight we book. We have taken this decision on our customers’ behalf because we believe that action should not be left solely to individuals. It will not cost our travellers any extra to make their trip to Japan carbon neutral.

Into Japan is committed to doing what we can to reduce our impact on the environment and we want to explain specifically what we mean. We are promising to do the following:

  • Reduce office paper use by emailing rather than printing and using both sides of the paper whenever possible.
  • Use paper (no window) envelopes to ensure easy reuse/recycling at the other end.
  • Recycle our office waste including paper, cardboard, recyclable plastics, metal, glass, computer equipment, office consumables, furniture, etc.
  • Minimise our office energy consumption by using equipment, light and heat efficiently.
  • Use recycled materials whenever possible and cleaning products with lower environmental impact.
  • Keep the number of staff miles to a minimum and using carbon offset to cover staff movements. Use public transport on our tours whenever possible.
  • Make carbon offset payments for all flights to Climate Care (ranked best performing carbon offset provider in a new report from leading US global warming NGO Clean Air-Cool Planet.). Further details about our offset payments will appear shortly on our website.

We believe that businesses like ours need to take responsibility and lead the way in protecting our environment for the future. We hope to add to these measures regularly and continue to improve.