
Traditional Japanese martial arts, tea ceremony, flower arranging, calligraphy, culinary arts and theatre. From Tokyo’s bright lights to Kyoto’s temples, from mountain temples to winter sports, and from hot springs to scuba diving, there really is something for everyone in this unique country.

Explore ideas by selecting options from the Filters below or simply scroll through and see what takes your fancy!

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Culinary Classes
Culinary Tours
Gifu Tejikara Himatsuri Fire Festival
Hot Springs
Martial Arts
Outdoor Activities
Samurai and Ninja
Spectator Sports
Theme Parks
Traditional Activities
Traditional Crafts
Water Sports
Weird and Wonderful
Winter Sports


Area Filter

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  • All
  • Kyoto
  • Tokyo
  • Hokkaido
  • Northern Honshu
  • Kanto
  • Central Honshu
  • Kansai
  • Western Honshu
  • Shikoku
  • Kyushu
  • Okinawa